Monday, 28 December 2015

The Introvert

Have heard people being referred as introverts...who do you think is an introvert? or how do you describe an introvert?


  1. An introvert is the person that tends to shrink from social life or activities

  2. Thanks for the comment @ wale...I appreciate it...

  3. An introvert is an individual who turns inward or concentration upon ones self: they are usually shy or quiet people who don't find it easy relating with other people

  4. An introvert is one who tends to turn inward mentally and also focuses on their own mind, feelings, and affairs.

    They do things in their way, and also unique in their thinking.

  5. Enter your comment...An introvert is someone who is shy not forward and keep things to him or herself. like doing things in their own way. they r quiet but trust me they know the best and choose the best.

  6. Thanks y'all for you comments...visit this site daily as we continue to discuss 'The Introvert' ...or you can bring up a topic you think is more suitable for discuss...
