Wednesday 8 May 2019

End The Destructive Cycle Of Procrastinating NOW

Most of us have good ideas. Based on certain level of research, I can boldly say that at least, 80 percent of people we present our ideas to will give us damn good reasons and examples as to how these ideas have been done before or why they are not good ideas or why we’re going to fall flat on our faces... 

But you know what? I say SCREW IT... JUST DO IT 😉 

If you have enough determination.... It’s more likely that you will succeed because of what you learned from the occasions when you didn’t SUCCEED. 
“The most important thing is to not be put off by failure.”(Iforgot who said this ☺) 

Procrastination hurts. Let's try as much as possible to avoid it. 
Whether you’re avoiding a sink full of undone dishes, a new presentation deck, or a date with the writing or coaching class, delay has the power to transform a simple task into a Mount Everest of a to-do list. Then, you will start battling with a long list of to-dos. 

Let's embrace the flip side instead. The flip side of procrastination is motivation. According to Psychology Today, “motivation is literally the desire to act and move toward a goal.” When you’re building a business, that desire is essential -- and it can also be infuriatingly evasive. 

Avoidance gradually increases our anxiety, making us even more likely to procrastinate, and then the pattern escalates. 

To end this vicious cycle, it’s important to identify why we’re dodging a specific activity.

Let's face it. Nothing good comes without you putting in some extra. Put in your extra today. What's on top of your to do list? Pick it up and start working on it...

#notimetochecktime o ☺ 😍 😉
Photo credit: #google

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